Cohere Inc

Machine Learning Engineer, Crowdsourcing

Cohere Inc

Remote job description

Who are we?
We're a small, diverse team working at the cutting edge of machine learning. At Cohere, our mission is to build machines that understand the world and to make them safely accessible to all. Language is at the crux of this, but it can be difficult and expensive to parse the syntax, semantics, and context that all work together to give words meaning. The Cohere platform provides access to Large Language Models through its APIs that read billions of web pages and learn to understand the meaning, sentiment, and intent of the words we use in a richness never seen before.

We recently raised our Series B, signed a multi-year partnership with Google Cloud, and we are focused on bringing our technology to market. We will partner with customers so they can build natural language understanding and generation into their products with just a few lines of code.

We're ambitious - we believe our technology will fundamentally transform how industries interact with natural language. And we have the technical chops to back it up - Cohere's CEO, Aidan Gomez, is a co-author of the groundbreaking paper "Attention is all you need", (over 53k citations) and was previously part of Google Brain. Our entire technical team is world-class.

We are focused on creating a diverse and inclusive work environment so that all of our team members can thrive. We welcome kind and brilliant people to our team, from wherever they come.

Why this role?
Large language models are core to Cohere, and the data we collect is core to the language models we train. While the current iteration of LLMs is trained primarily on web text, the next generation of LLMs will rely on human annotation to create custom datasets to further develop the capabilities of these models.

We are looking for a Machine Learning Engineer to lead the development of crowdsourcing capabilities at Cohere. This role would be part of the Data and Evaluation team, which broadly provides data for training models at Cohere and evaluation protocols for measuring the abilities of these models. Increasingly, data and evaluation at Cohere rely on human annotation. This role would work closely with engineering and product teams in creating custom datasets for training specialized models, as well as develop novel strategies for evaluating our models for cutting-edge capabilities.

This role requires a diverse set of skills and draws on a range of disciplines. We are therefore considering a broad range of backgrounds for this role, including ML, NLP, HCI, software engineering, and relevant linguistic and social sciences.

Please Note: We have offices in Toronto, Palo Alto, and London but embrace being remote-first! There are no restrictions on where you can be located for this role.

As a Machine Learning Engineer, Crowdsourcing, you will:

    • Build tools for common human annotation of language data, including UI elements, crowdsourcing workflows, worker management, and quality control.
    • Collaborate with teams on specialized collection protocols, UIs, and instructions for diverse and creative human annotation tasks.
    • Experiment and iterate with crowdsourcing protocols, interfaces, and quality control practices to improve worker experience, collected data quality, and cost efficiency.

You may be a good fit if you have experience:

    • Designing human annotation tasks for collecting language-based data given some high-level description of the desired data.
    • Building high-quality web interfaces for data collection (on a particular platform or from scratch).
    • Running and managing human annotation jobs for large-scale data collection.
    • With quality control and best practices for human annotation.
    • With Amazon Mechanical Turk.
    • Creating web apps for collecting text data from scratch.
    • Reasoning about the impact of data on learned machine learning models.
    • Communicating with diverse teams on data needs and crowdsourcing best practices.
If some of the above doesn't line up perfectly with your experience, we still encourage you to apply! If you consider yourself a thoughtful worker, a lifelong learner, and a kind and playful team member, Cohere is the place for you.

We welcome applicants of all kinds and are committed to providing both an equal opportunity process and work environment. We value and celebrate diversity and strive to create an inclusive work environment for all.

Our Perks:
- An open and inclusive culture and work environment
- Work closely with a team on the cutting edge of AI research
- Free daily lunch
- Full health and dental benefits, including a separate budget to take care of your mental health
- 100% Parental Leave top-up for 6 months for employees based in Canada, the US, and the UK
- Personal enrichment benefits towards arts and culture, fitness and well-being, quality time, and workspace improvement
- Remote-flexible, offices in Toronto, Palo Alto, and London and coworking stipend
- 6 weeks of vacation and shared Canada/US/UK holidays


Company name: Cohere Inc
Remote job title: Machine Learning Engineer, Crowdsourcing

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