Come Unto Christ Comics

Social Media Manager

Come Unto Christ Comics

Remote job description

The main duty of this position is to promote Book of Mormon Comics across all social media platforms. We need a energetic, savvy, and socially attune social media lead who understands what that represents. Duties include posting new content to all social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Patreon, Twitter, YouTube) responding to comments, planning social campaigns, finding and interfacing with partner influencers, prepare summaries of Social media feedback so we can shape the message. As such you will be responsible for ensuring that comments are kept appropriate and convey the spirit of this project.


-Self Motivated

-Deep understanding of Social Media

-Deep understanding of standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

-Return missionary is not a per-requisite, but is definitely a plus

-Ability to alter .psd files is preferred

-Ability to systematize

-Clear communication skills

The expectation is that new content will be similar on all platforms, but still divers enough to encourage people to follow us on multiple platforms. All comments reacted or responded to within 48 hours. This is a work from home/mobile job.

Come Unto Christ Comics
Social Media Manager

Tags: Business
  • category

  • weekly salary range

    $80 - 100
  • posted

    1433 days ago

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