Health Equity Matters (formerly Australian Federation of AIDS Organizations)

Consultancy Technical and programmatic support to Youth for Health Centre, Mongolia

Health Equity Matters (formerly Australian Federation of AIDS Organizations)

Remote job description

Support to be provided to the Youth for Health Centre SKPA-2 workplan.

The Sustainability of HIV Services for Key Populations in South-East Asia (SKPA)-2 program is funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) to improve the sustainability of evidence-informed, prioritized HIV services for key populations in Bhutan, Mongolia, Philippines, and Sri Lanka. There are four program objectives:

  1. Accelerate financial sustainability.
  2. Improve strategic information availability and use.
  3. Promote programmatic sustainability.
  4. Remove human rights and gender-related barriers to services.

Health Equity Matters, as principal recipient is implementing the program in consortium with the following subrecipients: Save the Children in Bhutan, Youth for Health Centre in Mongolia, and Action for Health Initiatives (ACHIEVE) in the Philippines, and the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka and regional partners APCOM (formerly the Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health), the Community of Women Living with HIV Asia Pacific (ICWAP) and the Burnet Institute. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) provide the program with technical support. The period of performance for the grant is from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2025.

Scope of the Consultancy

In October 2023, a team from Health Equity matters undertook a scoping visit to Mongolia to assess: (1) the appetite for social contracting; (2) the window of opportunity and political economy for reform; (3) how SKPA-2 can best support the acceleration of financial sustainability of key population programs in Mongolia given the available opportunity structure; and (4) how the Youth for Health program was tracking overall.

This scope of work builds on the findings from the October 2023 scoping visit and is aimed at strengthening Youth for Health Centre's leadership, engagement, and capacity to implement their SKPA-2 workplan.

The timing of inputs including travel will be determined in consultation with Health Equity Matters and the Youth for Health Centre teams and the tasks will be assigned as appropriate.

Indicative Key Tasks

  • Regularly meet with the Health Equity Matters team to plan the scope and timing of individual inputs. Note: other tasks may arise.
  • Develop a working knowledge of the Youth for Health Centre SKPA-2 workplan, budget, staffing structure and support Youth for Health to overcome implementation challenges to ensure that they can meet SKPA-2 performance targets.
  • Provide the Youth for Health Centre SKPA-2 leadership and team with mentoring and capacity building in program management and oversight, including supporting Youth for Health Centre to improve internal system to monitor and track progress of workplan implementation.
  • Support Youth for Health Centre, and in consultation with other SKPA-2 technical supports where appropriate, to develop an investment case on PrEP and to support their advocacy to increase access to PrEP.
  • Support Youth for Health Centre and Perfect Ladies to develop a five-year income diversification and sustainability plan for each organization. Each plan is to consider avenues for income generation in addition to social contracting and should document how the organization is thinking about improving efficiency in their operations and sustaining their program as Mongolia begins transitioning away from Global Fund funding to domestic funding sources via the national health insurance scheme, or state budget, or both.
  • Support Youth for Health Centre to accelerate human rights and gender-related activities, ensuring clarity and effectiveness of activities, including providing direction across the objective 4 activities within the YFHC workplan.
  • Support Youth for Health Centre to develop a CLM partnership plan to promote CLM among communities and to strengthen data use at the clinic level.
  • Provide technical assistance in advocacy and partnership building in support of the goals of the SKPA-2 program, including support development of an advocacy plan informed by CLM reports and aligned with the NSP developed.
  • Strengthen linkages with the implementation of the Global Fund national grant.
  • Identify emerging issues, challenges and opportunities and share this knowledge with Health Equity Matters and Youth for Health Centre to strengthen the program.
  • Attend selected meetings if deemed necessary by Health Equity Matters or Youth for Health Centre

Selection Criteria

  • A minimum of 15 years of experience working in HIV in the Asia Pacific region. Experience of working in Mongolia and with the Global Fund is highly desirable.
  • A higher degree in public health, social science, international development or similar field.
  • Experience in program implementation and project cycle management and working with international donors.
  • Knowledge of latest WHO/UNAIDS normative guidance on HIV and experience with applying this guidance to shape policies and programs.
  • Experience of working with key population -led community-based organizations and with strengthening community systems.
  • Excellent knowledge of English and strong oral and written communication skills.
  • Strong ability to facilitate working meetings on online communications platforms and experience working remotely and coordinating activities across multiple time-zones.
  • Demonstrated interpersonal and teamwork skills in a fast-paced work environment.
  • Ability to prioritise tasks, take initiative, and independently manage competing demands.
  • Ability to work alongside stakeholders, internal and external, to promote and optimise the strategic shift from donor financing to financial sustainability of country HIV programs.
  • Capacity to travel within the region, as needed.
  • A minimum of 15 years of experience working in HIV in the Asia Pacific region. Experience of working in Mongolia and with the Global Fund is highly desirable.
  • A higher degree in public health, social science, international development or similar field.
  • Experience in program implementation and project cycle management and working with international donors.
  • Knowledge of latest WHO/UNAIDS normative guidance on HIV and experience with applying this guidance to shape policies and programs.
  • Experience of working with key population -led community-based organizations and with strengthening community systems.
  • Excellent knowledge of English and strong oral and written communication skills.
  • Strong ability to facilitate working meetings on online communications platforms and experience working remotely and coordinating activities across multiple time-zones.
  • Demonstrated interpersonal and teamwork skills in a fast-paced work environment.
  • Ability to prioritise tasks, take initiative, and independently manage competing demands.
  • Ability to work alongside stakeholders, internal and external, to promote and optimise the strategic shift from donor financing to financial sustainability of country HIV programs.
  • Capacity to travel within the region, as needed.


Send CV and cover letter outling skills and experience relevant to fulfilling the indicative key tasks. Applications close Friday 1 December 2023.

Company name: Health Equity Matters (formerly Australian Federation of AIDS Organizations)
Remote job title: Consultancy Technical and programmatic support to Youth for Health Centre, Mongolia

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