Why 2021 can be the best year ever to land a remote job

Jan 06, 2021

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After such a unique and challenging year, most of us were really counting the days to say that 2020 is finally over, and hoping that a happy new year will finally arise. It is common to feel like that at the end of every year, with a mix between a real need to rest and recharge our energy, and high expectations towards what is to come. That is why "new year resolutions" are so popular, right?

It's always good to be motivated for the year ahead, but just "wishing" for a better year won't make things happen. Sorry if I am the one to tell you that, but things won't "magically" change just because a new year has arrived. Maybe by now you have realized that already...

If you were not happy with your career in December 2020, you will probably be feeling the same way today. And the feeling may remain for 1 week, 1 month or maybe a full year. What a terrible way to live in 2021!

Taking actions and committing to changing the situation is the way to go if you want to stop "wishing" and move towards "achieving". A new year offers a lot of possibilities, and it is in your hands to take them and make the most of the opportunities. Enough of being irresponsible with our own life and career happiness!

When we think about remote work, there was never a better time in the world to seriously jump into it. One of the good things that the pandemic has left us is the confirmation that more and more jobs can be done remotely, and a huge number of companies are adopting this modality every day. We are living in the best time ever to make a change towards a remote job!

The real question is: what is still stopping you from going for your remote job? What are you afraid of? Why do you keep procrastinating on taking action?

There is no shame in asking for help if you need it. If you follow the right steps, you will start moving towards your dreams, and landing a remote job is just a matter of time! But once again, only "wishing" for it won't make things happen.

If you decide to start your remote job career in 2021, I have a good feeling it might work for you. If you work on your mindset and strategy to do that, your chances of succeeding will increase exponentially. If you start doing that in January, you have way more chances to know the reality of the job market, increase your networking, learn from your mistakes and improve the process faster.

Don't postpone it all until the end of the year, and live miserable in the meantime. This year can be your best chance to improve your career, but only if you do your part. 2021 is not the best year to land a remote job if you remain "wishing" for it – but it is for sure the best moment to do that if you take action!

Which is the first step you will take to make the new reality come true?


Juliana Rabbi

Juliana Rabbi

Juliana Rabbi is a recruiter-turned-career coach. After working for over 15 years as a recruiter and part of the human resources teams in multinational corporations all over the world, she has been working remotely for the past 7+ years and now helps professionals land jobs that make them happier. She also provides support to location independent companies to improve their processes and hire the right candidate.

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